Pusoy Dos
Pusoy Dos, which literally means Poker Two, is the popular Chuo Dai Di variation in the Philippines.
The biggest variation of Pusoy Dos from Chuo Dai Di is the order of the suit of the cards.
In Chuo Dai Di, the order of suit from lowest to highest is Spades, Hearts, Clubs and Diamonds.
Meanwhile, in Pusoy Dos, the order of suit from lowest to highest is Clubs, Spades, Hearts and Diamonds.
Another difference of Pusoy Dos from Chuo Dai Di is in the scoring. In chuo Dai Di, remaining cards are given a score of either two or three, depending on the number of cards left.
In Pusoy Dos, the remaining cards are scored depending on their rank (similar to Blackjack). Face cards (Jacks, Queens and Kings) and the Tens are given ten points. All other cards are given their face value.
Legal Hands and Combinations
Like Chuo Dai Di, Pusoy Dos has the same poker-like legal card combinations.
Single cards - cards are ranked from 2 (highest) to 3 (lowest). Suits are ranked from Diamonds (highest), Hearts, Spades to Clubs (lowest). If the cards are of equal rank, the higher suit beats the lower suit. For example, the five of diamonds beats the five of clubs.
Pairs - two equally ranked cards. If the pairs are of equal rank, the pair with the higher suit wins. For example, the pair of seven hearts and diamonds beats the pair of seven spades and clubs.
Five-card combinations - any five-card combination the same as poker hand rankings. The following are valid hands include fomr highest to lowest
- Royal Flush
- Straight flush
- Four of a kind (plus a fifth card or kicker)
- Full house
- Flush
- Straight
The playable combinations are similar to poker hands, but there are vital differences. Unlike poker, there are no "two pair" combinations, and although a four of a kind needs a fifth card to be complete, a three of a kind cannot be accompanied by extra cards (except for a full house). Because the two has the highest rank, a royal flush does not necessarily beat a straight flush. Exception of the Rule of 2's: A full house (A three of a kind and a pair) with the pair kickers two's, do not count as a higher full house. JJJ22 does not beat QQQAA.
Also, a combination can only be beaten by a better combination with the same number of cards: A single card can be beaten only by a single card, a pair by a pair, a three of a kind by a three of a kind, and a five-card hand by a five-card hand.
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